Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Words of My Whys

 The Words of my Whys: By Geoff Stubbs

I am so excited to introduce (or reintroduce) myself to many of you as the new upper elementary and middle school principal!  While I have loved working with grades K-3, the lower elementary is in good hands with Ms. Trust, who brings so much experience and familiarity with the needs of that population.  

In the spirit of introductions, I wanted to share with you my “whys” as an educator.  At a recent training, one of the speakers mentioned that nobody gets up in the morning for 5% growth on the state test.  While we believe in setting the bar high for our students and giving them the opportunities to reach their highest potential, I don’t do this for a couple extra percentage points on the ISATs.

My first “why” is the quest for the perfect middle school programming. I started my teaching career teaching English to 7th Graders at Teton Middle School in Driggs, Idaho.  While I had originally hoped to be a high school teacher, I quickly realized that middle school was the perfect fit for my temperament. I became fascinated by the unique needs of middle school students.  I learned how detrimental treating them like little high schoolers can be.  Upper elementary and middle school students, as they enter adolescence are experiencing the most rapid period of brain development they will in their lives.  This is when, if provided the correct environment, ideas begin to snap together in these students’ brains like magnets as their prefrontal cortices come online in a major way. The abstract suddenly begins to make sense. Coupled with enormous social changes socially due to the simultaneous, instinctual needs for independence from their parents and to belong to a social group of their peers, this makes for an incredibly exciting, but delicate time in a child’s life.  I spent the next 10 years of my career teaching middle school and working with my colleagues to push our middle school programming to the next level.    

My second “why” is tied to the Treasure Valley Y (see what I did there?).  Before I became a teacher, from age 13 to 24, I worked as a camp counselor with the YMCA in Boise.  Since I was a camper myself, I have been steeped in the YMCA’s core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.  These were seen in all levels of the organization, but most obviously in the Y’s commitment to refusing to turn families away due to an inability to pay.  Though we were never told who these students were, you could tell on day one the haves from the have-nots.  The magic of camp was that these differences disappeared.  For that week, that was your family, and you accepted everybody because that’s what families do.  You also learned that everybody has some invisible load they are carrying. If you did your job right as a counselor, maybe they got to put that burden down for a bit that week.   Living these values and helping others became core tenets of what makes me tick.  It drives my belief that all those who I work with deserve to be seen, heard, and respected.  

Finally, my last “why” is rooted in my belief in a high-quality free public education.  There are two seminal moments in my life in which private education essentially saved me.  The first was in kindergarten when my parents were told by the administration that, “well, some kids are just slow.”  I spent the the rest of kindergarten and all of first grade in this early childhood education center before reentering public school.

The second moment was in my sophomore year at Timberline High School. I found myself on a pretty steady road toward dropping out the next year. I had terrible relationships with my teachers.  My relationships with my peers weren’t much better.  I had a group of people who appeared to tolerate me, but for the most part, I felt alone and friendless.  I fought with my parents constantly and settled into a sort of numb hopelessness that I figured would just be my normal. 

It was a boarding school in Southern California that helped provide me with community, structure, and support. Though a boarding school, the school had a focus on self-reliance and responsibility to one’s community.  Custodial jobs were divided among the students and the seniors were cast in managerial roles.  You picked up after yourself because you recognized that the person you sit next to in chemistry is the person who might have to clean it up.  

While this was a private school, I find nothing “private” about the values this format provided.  It was a simple maxim really, “You have responsibilities to yourself and those around you” You want something?  Go get it.  Sick of trash on the ground?  Pick it up. You see a classmate struggling? Help them.  Are you struggling? Ask for help. I find it ridiculous that my access to this sort of environment, built on a strong sense of “servant leadership” was behind a paywall, making it unavailable to many of those it would most benefit.      

Servant leadership is at the core of the questions we as a school ask when we consider what we want White Pine to be.  How do we help students see that they are the main thing that will make them successful?  How do we provide students with the appropriate support to push them to take the lead in their lives?  How do we point students in the right direction and stay mindful to always keep moving forward?  When do we lend a helping hand, but also to remember to stay out of their way as they progress?

As I considered the fates of so many kids in our community, for a long time I felt guilty.  It’s not fair that I should succeed where so many have not just because my parents could pay for private school at the times when my education was in crisis.  I have come to understand that life isn’t fair, but we can always strive for it to be more.  Now my guilt is replaced with a mission to help push education forward in a direction that seeks to fill the cracks a “one size fits all” education leaves. Every student in our country deserves the opportunities I had, and it is not fair that I got those opportunities based only on the fact that my parents could pay for them.  I believe that White Pine is uniquely positioned to help connect students with those sorts of opportunities regardless of money.  While we cannot be everything to everybody, we can be a force of positive change for those who choose to partner with us in pursuit of academic and formative success for their child.    

The only thing we ask as White Pine is that you try.  Whether you are the director of schools or the kindergarten parent who is still grappling with the idea of, “what do you mean I just point them towards the playground and drive away?!” that expectation is the same. We are all in this together.  Teamwork makes the dream work.  Now let’s make it happen!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Goodbye to White Pine from Mrs. Gray

My husband Daniel and I have been married for over two years, and we settled in Rexburg shortly after we got married. During our time there, I began working at White Pine Charter School and loved every minute of it. I have my degree in Educational studies - a degree for people who want to work with kids and be in schools but do NOT want to be teachers. My job as a Secretary and then Administrative Assistant at White Pine Charter School was exactly what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be after graduating!

In practice, however, the job was not as easy as I thought it would be. It was the complete opposite! I jumped straight in and tried my best to get into the flow. It turns out, a really BIG part of my job was making the flow. I did my best to remember student names, build relationships with teachers and parents, and integrate myself into the culture at White Pine. The first few weeks were really hard, and it felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I pressed forward, doing my best to be there for the students and being friendly to everyone who came by. Things slowly got better, and I was able to build confidence in my skills and my job, while learning a lot about myself and growing alongside the students.

Oftentimes, we find that the difficult or stressful things in our life do not become easier or suddenly stop being hard. Instead, we find ourselves growing and meeting the challenges of our everyday lives, and we are able to do more and tolerate more. I would not say my job has become any easier, but I have been able to learn and grow, developing my skill sets to better meet the needs of the school and the students. Everything becomes more fun and enjoyable as we make the flow and persist in it.

My time at White Pine has been full of lots of fun memories and experiences. I have loved building relationships with the students and the families that come here. Seeing these wonderful kids learn and grow is incredibly rewarding. In only two short years, I have seen so much growth and change within our community, and I am proud to have worked so closely with these brilliant students who have so much energy and excitement. More than anything, I am going to miss these sweet kids. They really make the job all worth it!

While living here, it has been incredibly hard to find work for my husband, Daniel. Daniel  wants to work in film and videography and has much experience in it. We will be going to Utah, exploring jobs that help us work toward our goals and meet his skill sets. Our ultimate goal is to settle somewhere to begin our family, and have a more stable income. We will be working in Wyoming over the summer, staying there and going on many outdoor adventures (if you go white water rafting near Jackson Hole this summer, odds are the souvenir photos were taken by my husband). We are excited for this opportunity and moving closer to where we want to be as a couple and as a family.

I am truly going to miss my time at White Pine. I have built so many great relationships with the students, teachers, and parents, and it will be so sad to leave them all. I appreciate all the kindness and friendship everyone has shown to me. I know these students are going to continue to learn, grow, and pursue great things. Thank you for welcoming me into the community and helping me grow!

Thank you,

Rebecca Gray

Thursday, May 30, 2024

White Pine Student Interest Essays: Animals

 Welcome to the last part of our student essay series! Today we celebrate the unique bond between humans and their pets and learn a few fun facts along the way!

White Pine Student Interest Surveys: Schooling

 Here we have part three of our ongoing series of student interest essays at the middle school! This section dives into the heart of a pressing educational issues as seen through the eyes of our students. In this installment, a student explores the topic that often spark debate and inspire passionate opinions: the necessity and impact of required PE classes. Take a look as our students dig in.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

White Pine Student Interest Essays: Science

 Welcome back to our Middle School English Class, where our students continue to amaze us with their insightful essays! Following our initial series on technology, we are excited to present the second installment: a dive into the captivating world of science. This collection of essays showcases our students' scientific exploration. Their writing combines research with personal reflection. Join us as we celebrate their inquisitive minds.

Monday, May 20, 2024

White Pine Student Interest Essays: Technology

Ms. Griffin's middle school English class has taken a deep dive into topics that spark their curiosity and passion. We're thrilled to kick off our series by showcasing essays on a subject that's reshaping our world: technology. From the wonders of artificial intelligence to the ever-evolving landscape of social media, our students have explored various facets of technology, offering fresh perspectives and thought-provoking insights. Join us as we celebrate their creativity, critical thinking, and the unique viewpoints of our budding writers.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Powerful Perspectives for Life's Complexities

     I like quotes, analogies, and brief proclamations that inspire, motivate, and remind me of some of the important factors in navigating life. I think they also help me to understand complicated thing. Being an educator and administrator I've often used them to offer a different or needed perspective to both students and teachers. On occasion I'm also able to employ them in conversations with parents. With this blog being available to all our White Pine stakeholders, I care to share some quotes, analogies and brief proclamations that resonate with me, that align with our mission and vision, and hopefully offer a different perspective on the complexities of teaching and learning. The accompanying comments I've written come from a place inside that I don't often reveal. I hope there is some value, for you the reader, in what follows. 

The Words of My Whys

  The Words of my Whys: By Geoff Stubbs I am so excited to introduce (or reintroduce) myself to many of you as the new upper elementary and ...